Tapestry updated December 15, 2024
Desiring to be a useful thread in the tapestry that God is weaving for humanity
f this matters to you, and you want to team with us to provide finances for this project, you can give whatever is on your heart to give ~ designate it for Days For Girls ~ and every penny of what you give will go to provide girls with very needed help in Jesus' name
Millions of women and girls around the world don't have access to safe, healthy, affordable or reliable options to manage menstruation. They miss days of school, work and contributing to their households each month. They also suffer the embarrassment and stigma of the lack of dignified management resources. It has recently come to our attention that the women and girls that we serve are among those millions who need a better option.
Consequently, Tapestry has put together a team of people to sew Feminine hygiene kits for the women and girls in the villages we serve. These kits are also being utilized post-partum and by those with incontinence and fistula birth injuries. We are using the patterns from the organization Days For Girls. If you would like to be involved in this project, either sewing or purchasing supplies, please let us know and we'll get you started! Days For Girls has perfected these patterns over several years and they have it down to a science! Thanks to the Nampa, Idaho Days For Girls Team, we currently have a stockpile of kit components ready to be sewn. If you are willing to help sew, there is no cost to you, just your time and expertise! We hope to open a sewing center in India in the near future. Not only would it provide Days For Girls Kits, it will also provide income for some of the families that we are privileged to work with. If you would like to know more about the kits and how they can impact the lives of girls and women, please visit the Days For Girls web site at: www.daysforgirls.org.
Since Jan, 2017 trip we have brought almost 800 kits to share. Rose Scholars and their overseers help facilitate the distribution. Without them it would have been very difficult if not impossible. What a kick to be able to bless people in Jesus' name.