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If this matters to you, and you want to team with us to provide clean water in Jesus' name, you can give whatever is on your heart to give ~ designate it for Clean Water ~ and every penny of what you give will go to provide fellow humans clean water in Jesus' name

Clean drinking water is a serious concern in many parts of India. Three out of the top four causes of death in India are waterborne. There are also immense difficulties associated with the lack of clean water. The lack of clean water affects school attendance and days lost to the work force. The World Bank estimates that 21% of communicable diseases in India are related to unsafe water. The World Health Organization estimates the percentage much higher. Diarrhea alone causes more than 1,600 deaths daily. No matter who is doing the research, most of the people that we love through Tapestry suffer from a lack of clean water. If you would like to educate yourself on clean water issues in India, we recommend that you do a web search on, "problems associated with lack of clean water in India" And while the entire world's clean water problem might be bigger than our ability to address, we can make an incredible difference in the villages that we serve. There are already approximately one thousand people drinking clean water because of what you are doing through Tapestry.

In 2011, Bhil tribesmen asked if we could help their villages get clean water. So, we learned about bio-sand filters and how to build them. In 2012 Brent went back with training and supplies so that they could make Bio Sand filters. Since then, we have supplied filter training and materials for people in two additional Indian states.   

Tapestry teammates have provided over $10,000, so that fellow human beings could have clean water to drink. Most of the families, who now have clean water because of our teammates, live on less than three hundred dollars a year. I have even met some families who live on less than one hundred dollars for an entire year, who now have the blessing of being able to drink clean water year around.

From 2012 until 2016 we were building Bio Sand Filters. In 2015 we also drilled a bore well with hand pump. In 2017 we switched to Sawyer one point filters. For $29 we can put a filter in a home that will give clean water for years. The $29 includes $5 for the person to install the filter in the home. So when you give to clean water, you are also providing a job. The price is going up, because Sawyer no longer is giving a two for one discount for non-profits, but I hope that we will be able to provide a family with clean water and a good paying job for an installer for under $35... still an incredible gift.

The testimonies of families who have water filters in their homes are always the same. "No sickness during the rainy season." It is a pleasure now to be able to drink clean water in home after home when we visit. All of our partners there, our Rose families, and our widows we have helped, all have clean water available to them.

To make the best use of the clean water being provided there also needs to be treatment for internal parasites, and training about sanitation. With help from our teammates we hope to soon address these areas of concern.

This is the link to information about the Sawyer filters that you are providing.

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