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Tapestry actually began in 2008, but none of us knew it at the time. The first contact with India resulted from five families in Grangeville, Idaho desiring to adopt children from India. In 2009, brothers Mark and Brent Ewing traveled to India and at one point ended up in a secluded Bhil tribal area. Meeting people there, seeing their need, and growing to care about them led Mark and Brent to go back in 2011. On the second visit they provided bikes for three pastors, money to complete two church buildings, and set up a small business loan fund. During this visit, some of the Bhil tribesmen asked if the brothers would help them get clean drinking water. As a result, Brent took training from Aqua Clara International to build bio-sand filters. Brent told his friends about it, and they teamed with him to finance a third trip where he trained 12 men and one woman to build bio-sand filters. Over the next three years, friendsle, gave thousands of dollars to provide bio-sand filters for hundreds of people.

Brent made two more trips in 2013 to train filter builders in two different states in India. Slowly a vision emerged to do whatever we could to help the people with whom we were already working. Over the years others have traveled to India along with Brent; Mark Ewing, Morgan Thompson, Naveen Pammi, Seth Ewing, Debbie Ewing, Ed Ahrens, and Karley Lacy. In India, Vipin Valvi and Roselin Ewing Priya are trusted friends and integral parts of the team. Tapestry has slowly become a focused and functioning ministry with dozens of people from all around America and India teaming up to become a useful thread in the tapestry that God is weaving for humanity.

The "About Us" tag includes all of the teammates with whom Tapestry has been blessed ~ excellent teammates ~ American and Indian ~ who sacrifice their resources of time, energy and money ~ excellent people of whom the world is not worthy. (Hebrews 11: 38) Teammates who love enough to do something.

As of January 2022 the Tapestry team consists of believers from 10 different states in America and two different states in India. Vipin and Roselin are given a salary as Indian directors of operations, out of undisignated funds. They  have been joined in service by Baby, Manisha, Kunti, and Nelini, along with a dozen other Indian teammates. We have a ministry presence in 12 villages, where the average family makes about a dollar a day, and also we support three Roses in Hyderabad.

We are passionately committed to making sure that the gifts that you, our teammates, give make the greatest possible impact. When American team members travel to India, they do so frugally. They usually use the least expensive modes of transportation and live and eat with villagers rather than in hotels and restaurants. No one is ever asked to give. We simply tell believers about the people we love in India and what we're doing for them. Then the people who want to help us... help us. When you give, you become a teammate on the Tapestry team.

What We Believe


What We Repersent

  • There is only one God and He exists in the Unity of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. ​
  • God gave His life on the cross, a perfect sacrifice for the sins of all mankind.
  • Whoever will put their trust in Him, as opposed to anything or anyone else, will be adopted into the family of God and saved from the eternal consequences of their sins... "Born Again".
  • The Bible is God given, and perfect, as God originally breathed His Word into the minds of the men who penned Scripture.

We are dedicated to acting out practical ways (like bio-sand filters, small business grants, girl's school stipend, widow care) to represent the compassion and love of our Lord and Savior, Jesus the Messiah!

Organizational Structure

Yahveh is the Founder and Boss

His Word is the Director

His Spirit is in charge of communications.

All of the rest of us ~ those who go, those who give, those who do, those who pray, those who support and encourage ~ are board members and teammates. We operate something like a family. If you are one of the "us" mentioned above, I hope that when you talk about Tapestry, you won't say, "I know about a outfit that does X, Y, and Z" or "I give to a ministry that does this and that," but instead that you will say, "I'm a part of a team called Tapestry! Let me tell you what We do!"

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